Experience Iloilo

Travel to Iloilo

BY AIR.   Iloilo hosts one of the Philippines' state-of-the-art and busiest airports to date. It is strategically located in the the borders of Cabatuan and Sta. Barbara towns, in Iloilo Province, approximately 20 kilometers to 30 minutes travel away from Iloilo City.

Checkout Air Travel Schedules to Iloilo, HERE.

BY SEA.   Iloilo City is considered as one of the safest harbors in the Philippines. The city has four major seaports, the International Port in Loboc, Lapaz District, the Domestic Port in Fort San Pedro,  and the Muelle Loney Port serving the Iloilo to Bacolod trips, while Ortiz Port is serving the Iloilo to Guimaras trips.

The Iloilo International Seaport is one of the busiest in the Philippines.

Checkout Sea Travel Schedule to Iloilo, HERE.


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